
[spel] /spɛl/
verb (used with object), spelled or spelt, spelling.
to name, write, or otherwise give the letters, in order, of (a word, syllable, etc.):
Did I spell your name right?
(of letters) to form (a word, syllable, etc.):
The letters spelled a rather rude word.
to read letter by letter or with difficulty (often followed by out):
She painfully spelled out the message.
to discern or find, as if by reading or study (often followed by out).
to signify; amount to:
This delay spells disaster for us.
verb (used without object), spelled or spelt, spelling.
to name, write, or give the letters of words, syllables, etc.:
He spells poorly.
to express words by letters, especially correctly.
Verb phrases
spell down, to outspell others in a spelling match.
spell out,
  1. to explain something explicitly, so that the meaning is unmistakable:
    Must I spell it out for you?
  2. to write out in full or enumerate the letters of which a word is composed:
    The title “Ph.D.” is seldom spelled out.
1250-1300; Middle English spellen < Old French espeller < Germanic; compare Old English spellian to talk, announce (derivative of spell spell2), Old High German -spellōn, Old Norse spjalla, Gothic spillōn
Related forms
spellable, adjective
unspellable, adjective
5. foretell, portend, mean, promise.
British Dictionary definitions for spell out

spell out

verb (transitive, adverb)
to make clear, distinct, or explicit; clarify in detail: let me spell out the implications
to read laboriously or with difficulty, working out each word letter by letter
to discern by study; puzzle out


verb spells, spelling, spelt, spelled
to write or name in correct order the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word)
(transitive) (of letters) to go to make up the conventionally established form of (a word) when arranged correctly: d-o-g spells dog
(transitive) to indicate or signify: such actions spell disaster for our cause
See also spell out
Derived Forms
spellable, adjective
Word Origin
C13: from Old French espeller, of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse spialla to talk, Middle High German spellen


a verbal formula considered as having magical force
any influence that can control the mind or character; fascination
a state induced by or as if by the pronouncing of a spell; trance: to break the spell
under a spell, held in or as if in a spell
(transitive) (rare) to place under a spell
Word Origin
Old English spell speech; related to Old Norse spjall tale, Gothic spill, Old High German spel


an indeterminate, usually short, period of time: a spell of cold weather
a period or tour of duty after which one person or group relieves another
(Scot & Austral, NZ) a period or interval of rest
(transitive) to take over from (a person) for an interval of time; relieve temporarily
(NZ) spell a paddock, to give a field a rest period by letting it lie fallow
Word Origin
Old English spelian to take the place of, of obscure origin
Word Origin and History for spell out



"name the letters of," Old English spellian "to tell, speak," infl. by Old French espeller "declare, spell," from Frankish *spellon "to tell;" both Old English and Frankish from Proto-Germanic *spellan (cf. Old High German spellon "to tell," Old Norse spjalla, Gothic spillon "to talk, tell"), from PIE *spel- "to say aloud, recite." Related: Spelled; spelling.

Meaning "write or say the letters of a word" is c.1400, from notion of "read letter by letter, read with difficulty" (c.1300). Spell out "explain step-by-step" is first recorded 1940, American English. Spelling bee is from 1878 (earlier simply spelling, 1860).

"work in place of (another)," Old English spelian "to take the place of," related to gespelia "substitute," of uncertain origin. Perhaps related to spilian "to play" (see spiel). Related: Spelled; spelling. The noun meaning "indefinite period of time" first recorded 1706.


"incantation, charm," Old English spell "story, speech," from Proto-Germanic *spellan (cf. Old Norse spjall, Old High German spel, Gothic spill "report, discourse, tale;" German Beispiel "example;" see spell (v.1)). Meaning "set of words with magical powers, incantation, charm" first recorded 1570s.

The term 'spell' is generally used for magical procedures which cause harm, or force people to do something against their will -- unlike charms for healing, protection, etc. ["Oxford Dictionary of English Folklore"]

Slang definitions & phrases for spell out

spell out

verb phrase
  1. To explain; define: a commission of distinguished citizens to spell out the difference between right and wrong (1707+)
  2. To explain very patiently in great detail: Are you a schoolboy I have to spell out everything for you? (1940+)

Idioms and Phrases with spell out

spell out

Make plain, clarify, as in We asked her to spell out her objectives. [ c. 1940 ]
Read slowly and laboriously, as in He was only six but he managed to spell out the instructions. [ Early 1800s ]
Puzzle out, manage to understand with some effort, as in It took years before anyone could spell out the inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone. [ Late 1600s ]
All three usages transfer spell in the sense of “proceed letter by letter.”


In addition to the idiom beginning with